General Employer Action Plan

Based on the Act for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation and the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace, a general employer action plan must be formulated for the creation of an environment that allows employees to keep working while raising children and the development of working conditions responding to the needs of employees including those who are not raising children. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare requires employers to formulate action plans every five years and submit them to prefectural labor bureaus.
We will implement the following measures as we aim to create a comfortable workplace to all employees, not only those who are raising children to fully demonstrate their abilities by establishing a work environment that makes childcare and work compatible and supports working women.

1.Plan period

From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026


(1) Promoting a work environment that allows employees involved in childcare, including male employees as well as female employees, to utilize the childcare leave system, childcare flexi-time system and shortened working hours for childcare

(2) Encouraging employees to take paid leave

(3) Aiming to increase the number of employees taking volunteer service leave with the aim of creating an environment for them to participate in volunteer activities easily

(4) Providing opportunities to learn about laws and regulations related to diverse work styles in response to the changing social environment

(5) Promoting the introduction of systems relating to diverse work styles

(6) Recruiting female engineers and nurturing female employees pursuing managerial positions


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