Environmental Philosophy and Policy

Environmental Philosophy

Nippon Signal Co., Ltd. promotes initiatives for the conservation and improvement of the environment to create a global environment where people can live with peace of mind, and aims to enhance the comfort of human society through technologies that provide safety and reliability.

Environmental Policy

We will balance corporate activities and environmental conservation, reduce environmental impact at each stage from development to disposal, and provide products and services that are friendly to the global environment.

1. Taking into account the impact of our corporate activities on the environment, we will promote the conservation of resources and energy, waste reduction and recycling as we strive to prevent environmental pollution and continuously improve our environmental management system.
2. We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances and other agreements. Furthermore, we will make efforts to conserve the environment based on our voluntary control standards.
3. In product development, we will strive to develop environmentally-friendly technologies from the design stage.
4. In order to achieve this environmental policy, we will set objectives and targets related to environmental conservation to the extent technically and economically possible, and we will review these regularly so as to make continuous improvement.
5. We will document, implement and maintain our environmental policy and ensure that all employees are familiar with said policy, as well as disclosing it to the general public.


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