Contribute to the realization of a society
in which people can live with peace of mind.
As a company involved in the highly public business of the development of the transportation infrastructure, Nippon Signal associates its business activities with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), identifies important issues for the company, and implements specific initiatives. We conduct research and product development while considering the role we can play in reducing environmental impact, building disaster-resilient infrastructure, and creating safe communities, which are also part of the SDGs’ 17 Goals to Transform our World. We also actively engage in social contribution activities on such subjects as education, culture, welfare, and conservation of the global environment, with the aim of firmly nurturing partnerships with everyone in the local community, which is an important aspect of sustainable corporate management. At the same time, we strive to continue increasing our efforts in the development of an environment that enables diverse workers to work enthusiastically, and this is expected to create growth potential and vitality for the company.
Nippon Signal Group and SDGs
Initiatives centered on digital transformation (DX), decarbonization, and social contribution
The Nippon Signal Group will carry out initiatives that achieve both social value and corporate value through working on business activities that implement the SDGs’ 17 Goals to Transform our World and Five Forms of Manufacturing.

Contribute to society through products and services

We operate an environmental and quality management system based on the International Standard ISO14001/9001, promote reduction of CO2 emissions in all business activities, and develop new solutions utilizing IoT technology with the aim of creating infrastructure. We also provide products that respond to threats to society, such as terrorism, in order to protect the safety of cities and infrastructure.

Implement measures for reducing environmental impact toward achieving a low-carbon society and a recycle-based society

As society grapples with climate change and its impact, the realization of a low-carbon society that does not rely on oil or coal, a recycling-oriented society that uses resources more carefully, is a global challenge that needs to be addressed. In countries in Asia and Africa that are struggling to achieve both economic growth and anti-air pollution measures, we are participating in the construction of railway networks and transportation systems that have less impact on the global environment.

Develop transportation infrastructure/Supporting recovery from disasters

While addressing future social issues such as Japan’s declining birthrate, aging population and labor shortages, we are working on the development of products that support transportation infrastructure that people can use safely and comfortably. We are also leveraging our unique technologies to develop technologies and products that offer protection and quick recovery to transportation infrastructure when struck by natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes.

Develop an environment in which a variety of workers can work enthusiastically

For us to evolve as a company that provides a variety of solutions supporting safety and comfort, it is necessary to establish a foundation with a work environment and corporate culture that allows diverse human resources to play an active role. As our corporate activities and supply chains become globalized, we must also create an organizational structure that respects the working environment, human rights, culture and religion, etc.

Ensure quality education, support participation in cultural activities and promote women’s participation in society Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Serious problems are posed by the educational disparities that exist in the world due to the rich-poor divide and gender differences (socially and traditionally formed gender differences). We offer opportunities to provide high-quality cultural experiences to our stakeholders and support the career development of female students. We are also focused on providing new employee training and skill education in-house.

Preserve the global environment

Having increased ever since the Industrial Revolution, the emission of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs, etc.) has had a serious impact on the global environment, resulting in abnormal weather and global warming. As a company responsible for transportation infrastructure, we are expected to contribute to the spread and maintenance of railways as a means of transportation with minimal environmental impact, as well as conduct business activities that are friendly to the environment.

Revitalize global partnerships

We support the development of newly developing countries in Asia and Africa by actively connecting with people, creating business partners, and promoting the development of human resources in those countries. We also contribute to the construction of infrastructure around the world, especially in Asia, by providing train control systems, automated fare collection (AFC) systems, platform doors, etc.

Promote welfare

As a company involved in transportation infrastructure, which is a highly public business, we are working to provide products and services with the aim of creating a society in which everyone can enjoy a safe and healthy life.