Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Nippon Signal Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes the importance of personal information protection.
 In order to ensure a steady implementation of personal information protection, the Company has, as stated below, established a Privacy Policy/Personal Information Protection Policy regarding the handling of personal information by the Company, and endeavors to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”), other related laws and regulations, guidelines, and this Privacy Policy, to provide education to the employees and executives of the Company to raise their awareness thereof, and to facilitate appropriate management and operation.

Matters to be publicized based on the Personal Information Protection Act

 The Company publicizes the following matters based on the Personal Information Protection Act. In addition, the following items to be publicized include items that are made to be readily accessible condition to the individual, and items for which there is an obligation to make readily accessible to the individual (including cases in which a response is made without delay at the request of the individual).

1. Matters concerning publication of the purpose of using personal information

 Personal information obtained by our company is used to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use. Except for the cases specified in each item of Section 3. (1) below, we do not use personal information beyond the scope of the purpose of use or provide such information to a third party without the consent of the individual.

Types of personal information Purpose of use
1. Information obtained when the Company becomes a contracting party, which includes individual names, company name or trade name, addresses, titles, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, website URLs, and business type information. ・To perform management work related to our business (sending required documents, sharing information on necessary items, management and registration of business operations, etc.)
・To provide information on products related to our business
・To provide services such as construction, maintenance, inspection and repair of products related to our business
・To conduct planning, research, development, testing, and demonstration experiments of products related to our business
・To obtain opinions concerning our business, etc.
・To respond to inquiries to our company, and smoothly deal with such inquiries
・To manage the conclusion and execution of agreements with our company, reception and payment operations, and our business partners, as well as to exercise our rights or protect our legitimate interests
・To obtain various opinions from customers in order to improve our business
・To communicate by sending various invitations and seasonal greeting cards, etc.
・To perform social contribution activities (CSR activities)
・To conduct business communication between our group companies
・To carry out other operations incidental to the various operations mentioned above
2. Information obtained through documents, telephone calls, and faxes sent to our company, through our website, or in the course of receiving e-mail inquiries, which includes individual names, company name or trade name, addresses, titles, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, website URLs, business type information, and matters concerning services and the content of requests
3. Personal information on applicants and employees (individual names, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, school names, etc.)
・To provide information to applicants for jobs at our company, contact them, and proceed with other necessary activities, including the selection of employees
・To carry out our duties related to the payment of salaries, welfare programs, health management and other duties related to personnel labor management in our company, as well as other business management work for those employed incidentally thereto
・To submit notifications and reports to government agencies and perform other procedures
・To make emergency contact, etc.

4. Personal information on retirees (names, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and positions when employed, etc.) ・To conduct business communication with and manage retirees, proceed with their retirement procedure, and ascertain details of their in-house careers, working conditions, work status, and safety management status, etc.
5. Stockholder information ・For the Company to exercise its rights or fulfill its obligations under laws and regulations
・For stockholders to exercise their rights or fulfill their obligations based on laws and regulations
・To provide services to our shareholders, create data based on laws and regulations, and carry out the management thereof
6. Other ・To outsource part of our business (outsourcing of services necessary or beneficial for the execution of our business) within the scope necessary to achieve each purpose of use specified above

2. Matters regarding personal data to be made readily accessible to the individual

(1) Name of business operator handling personal information and name of representative
Nippon Signal Co., Ltd.
Hidehiko Tsukamoto, President & CEO & COO

(2) Purpose of using personal data (excluding cases falling under Article 21, Paragraph 4, Items (i) through (iii) of the Personal Information Protection Act)
Same as the purpose of use of personal information

(3) Requests for disclosure, etc. of personal data
See Section 6. below

3. Provision of personal data to a third party

(1) The Company properly manages the personal data it has obtained and does not provide it to any third party without obtaining the consent of the individual in advance. However, the following cases are noted as exceptions:
① Cases based on laws and regulations
② Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
③ Cases in which the handling of personal information is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
④ Cases in which there is a need to cooperate with a national government body, local government, or person entrusted thereby with performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to interfere with the performance of those functions
⑤ Cases in which personal data is provided as a result of entrusting the handling of personal data in whole or in part within the scope necessary for the achievement of purpose of the use
⑥ Cases in which personal data jointly used between specific individuals or entities is provided to the specific individuals or entities and in which this fact, the items of the personal data used jointly, the scope of the joint users, the purpose for which they use the personal data, and the name of the individual or business operator responsible for the management of the personal data is, in advance, notified to the individual or made readily accessible to the individual

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of (1) , the Company may, as a result of outsourcing the handling of personal data in part (outsourcing of services necessary or beneficial for the execution of the business), provide personal data (excluding sensitive personal information; the same applies hereinafter in this section) to a third party within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purposes of use specified above.

(3) When providing personal data to a third party (including outsourcing, etc.), the Company strives to prevent accidents such as data breach by carefully examining whether the third party has a sufficient system for protecting personal information, complying with laws and regulations, and exercising necessary and appropriate supervision for the protection of personal information. In addition, when providing personal data to a third party in a foreign country, the Company does so in accordance with the provisions of Article 28 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

4. Shared use of personal data

 The Company may share personal data with companies belonging to our group as stated below.

(1) Items of personal data subject to shared use
Name, company name or business name, address, title, telephone number, fax number, website URL, business type information

(2) Scope of shared use by Nippon Signal Group
Group companies listed on the Company’s website

(3) Purpose of use of personal data shared by our group
Same as the purpose of use of personal information

(4) Name of the individual or business operator responsible for the management of shared use of personal data
Nippon Signal Co., Ltd.
Chief Privacy Officer, General Affairs Department

5. Security control measures for personal data

The Company takes necessary and appropriate institutional, human, physical and technological security control measures in order to prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal data. In addition, when outsourcing the handling of personal data, the Company conducts necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure security control for the personal data.

Security control measures for the handling of personal data are specifically stipulated separately in the Personal Information Protection Regulations, the main contents of which are as follows.

(1) Formulation of Privacy Policy/Personal Information Protection Policy
In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, the Company has formulated this Privacy Policy/Personal Information Protection Policy regarding compliance with related laws and regulations, complaints and other inquiries.

(2) Development of disciplines for the handling of personal data
The Company has established Personal Information Protection Regulations that stipulate the handling methods, responsible persons, and duties, etc. for the acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal, etc. of personal data.

(3) Systematic security control measures
By assigning a personal information protection manager, etc. for the handling of personal data, the Company has established a reporting and communication system so as to respond appropriately in the event that a violation of the Personal Information Protection Act or the Personal Information Protection Regulations is identified or suspected.

(4) Human security control measures
The Company provides its employees with education and training on the handling of personal data.

(5) Physical security control measures
In the area where personal data is handled, the Company implements measures to prevent the theft or loss of devices handling personal data, electronic media, documents, etc. by controlling the entry/exit of employees and restricting the devices that can be brought on-site.

(6) Technological security control measures
The Company puts restrictions on access to and inspection of personal data. In addition, measures are taken to protect the Company’s information systems handling personal data from unauthorized access from the outside, etc.

6. Requests for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, and discontinuance of utilization, etc. of personal data

 Regarding the personal data held by the Company, when receiving a request from the principal or the principal’s agent for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, discontinuance of utilization, suspension of provision to a third party, etc. (hereinafter referred to collectively as “request for disclosure, etc.”), the Company will respond according to the following provisions.

(1) Request for disclosure, etc.
If you would like to request a disclosure, etc. specified in the items of this section, please contact the inquiry desk indicated in 9 below.

① When requesting to notify the purpose of use of personal information
② When requesting to disclose the content of personal information
③ When requesting to correct, add or delete the content of personal information
④ When requesting to suspend the use of personal information or the provision thereof to a third party, or deletion of such personal information.

(2) Documents, etc. to be submitted when requesting disclosure, etc.
① Application form for disclosure, correction, discontinuance of utilization, suspension of provision to a third party, etc. of retained personal information
When requesting disclosure, etc., please submit the Application Form for Disclosure, Correction, Discontinuance of Utilization, Suspension of Provision to a Third Party, etc. of Retained Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as “the application form”). We will send you the Application Form after you contact the inquiry desk.

② Confirmation documents for the principal and the principal’s agent
When requesting disclosure, etc., please submit the following confirmation documents.
A) Identity verification documents to be submitted when a request is made by the principal.
    A copy of one of the following documents
       Individual Number Card (front side only; please do not submit a copy of the side showing your personal number)        Driver’s license, passport (limited to passports that state date of birth), residence card, special permanent resident certificate
 B) When a request is made by someone other than the principal
  In addition to identity verification documents listed in A), the following documents are also required.
  a) In the case that an agent entrusted by the principal makes a request for disclosure, etc.
     Documents certifying the authority of representation, such as a power of attorney
  b) In the case of a legal representative (only if the principal is a minor or an adult ward)
     Documents certifying the authority of statutory representation, such as a copy of a family register or a certificate of registered matters for an adult ward

(3) Fees for requests for disclosure, etc.
The fee for requests for disclosure, etc. is 540 yen per request. Please enclose postage stamps to the value of 540 yen as a handling fee. In the case that the fee is insufficient, or the fee is not enclosed, the Company will inform you to that effect. However, if payment is not made within two weeks after you have been contacted, the Company will treat such requests for disclosure, etc. as having never been made.

(4) Method of responding to requests for disclosure, etc.
Notification will be sent to the principal or agent specified in the application form by the method designated by the principal or agent (document sent by postal mail or e-mail). However, when it is difficult to respond to a request for disclosure, etc. by means of the designated method, the Company will notify you by another method. In addition, in the case that the Company decides not to make disclosure, etc., you will be notified to that effect together with the reason therefor by the same method as that which is mentioned above. Please note that it may take several days until you receive a notification.
In addition, any of the cases specified in (5) below will result in non-disclosure.

(5) Cases resulting in non-disclosure, etc.
Disclosure, etc. will not be made under any of the following cases. When deciding not to disclose the requested information, the Company will notify you to that effect along with the reason therefor. Moreover, the handling fee will not be refunded. ・When the confirmation of the principal cannot be performed
・When the confirmation of a power of attorney cannot be made at the time of application by the principal’s agent
・When an applicant fails to complete the designated application form
・When the prescribed fee has not been paid
・When the information subject to the request for disclosure, etc. does not correspond to the retained personal data
・When there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper implementation of the Company’s business
・Other cases stipulated by laws and ordinances or constituting a violation thereof

(6) Purpose of use of personal information obtained in relation to requests for disclosure, etc.
Personal information obtained in connection with a request for disclosure, etc. shall be handled only within the scope necessary for the request for disclosure, etc. The Company will properly dispose of the submitted documents after storing them for a certain period of time.

7. Security control measures for anonymously processed information

When using the anonymously processed information database, etc. for business purposes, the Company shall take the following measures for the safe management of the anonymously processed information.

(1) Limitation of number of persons handling anonymously processed information
Limiting the scope of authorization for access to the anonymously processed information database, etc. to the employees directly involved in the relevant business, and ensuring thorough management and supervision by the person in charge of the relevant business

(2) Understanding of handling status of anonymously processed information
Understanding the handling status of anonymously processed information to appropriately evaluate and review the implementation status of security control measures

(3) Prevention of unauthorized access
Implementing appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access from the outside to the anonymously processed information database, etc.

8. Security control measures for pseudonymized personal information

When using the pseudonymized personal information database, etc. for business purposes, the Company shall take the following measures for the safe management of the pseudonymized personal information.

(1) Limitation of the number of persons handling pseudonymized personal information
Limiting the scope of authorization to access the pseudonymized personal information database, etc. to the employees directly involved in the relevant business, and ensuring thorough management and supervision by the person in charge of the relevant business

(2) Understanding of handling status of pseudonymized personal information
Understanding the handling status of pseudonymized personal information to appropriately evaluate and review the implementation status of security control measures

(3) Prevention of unauthorized access
Implementing appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access from the outside to the pseudonymized personal information database, etc.

9. Inquiry desk

For complaints and other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information obtained by the Company, please contact us by telephone, e-mail, or postal mail using the contact information below. Please note that we cannot respond to inquiries submitted by other means (including inquiries submitted by directly visiting our company).

(Currently, Nippon Signal Co., Ltd. does not belong to any authorized personal information protection organization.)

13F Shin-Marunouchi Building, 1-5-1, Marunouchi,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6513, Japan
Nippon Signal Co., Ltd.
Person in charge of personal information, Legal Group, General Affairs Department
Tel.: +81-3-3217-7204
(Reception hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and our company holidays])

10. Changes to this Privacy Policy/Personal Information Protection Policy

The Company may change this Privacy Policy/Personal Information Protection Policy due to legal amendments or other necessities. Any changes to this Privacy Policy/Personal Information Protection Policy will be posted on this website.


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